Music Camp Schedules
Directly below is the schedule for social events and meals. Below that, is the workshop schedule, which you will be familiar with from your registration.
Friday June 6: 7 pm
Welcome reception at the Bras d'Or Lakes Inn for all registered campers. Come and meet your fellow players and workshop leaders -and bring your instruments to jam. Snacks will be served and there will be a cash bar. Our younger campers under 19 may stay until 9 pm only due to liquor licensing regulations. This even will run to about 11 pm or so.
Saturday June 7:
8:45 am
First thing in the morning we will have an Orientation Meeting at Session Lounge downstairs at the Inn to advise you of any news and updates. Two ninety-minute workshops follow, with a 15 minute break in between.
12:30 - 1:30 pm
Lunch in the main level dining room at Bras d'Or Lakes Inn.
Two ninety-minute workshops follow, with a 15 minute break in between.
5:30 pm
Dinner, in the main level dining room at Bras d'Or Lakes Inn, and you'll have time for leisure here, or on your own until....
7:45 pm
All Star Concert, St. Peter's United Church Sanctuary. Campers have reserved seats in the preferred front pews. Please arrive early to get seated - there is always a crowd and a line-up for this highly popular community event.
10 pm ish - 1 am ish
After the concert, join us back at Sessions Lounges for a late-night jam. Sorry, minors cannot attend due to liquor licensing regulations. This event is open to the community, so expect to see some other local players sit in on the jams.
9 am - noon
Our second annual Kitchenrackets Artisans Market takes place at the St. Peter's Lions Hall. Come out and see what our local artists and craftmakers have been working on. Plus, we'll have CDs from your instructors and local artists for sale. Workshops and band labs run from 10 - 11:30 so you'll have time to drop in before or after, if you're busy with these.
12:30 pm
Lunch in the main level dining room at the Inn.
1:15 pm ish - 2:30 pm ish
Band Lab Showcase. Downstairs at the Inn, in Sessions Lounge. This is our grand finale to Music Camp, featuring performances by bands that were created only the day before - including yours. Goodby hugs and kisses, and that's it for the weekend.