St. Peter's Summer Sessions 2013
This summer you'll find something interesting to do, see and participate in every night of the week in St. Peter's. The weekly schedules appears below, and you can download a pdf if you like (see bottom of page). Also see the schedule of performers for our Thursday night Ceilidhs
7-9 pm Square Dance Sessions
Live players and traditional steps with Roddie's Square Dance Society at the United Church Hall. Info: 535-2093
7-9 pm Live traditional songs and tunes
Featuring Krysta MacKinnon and Jay Luddington at the Bras d'Or Lakes Inn. Info: 535-2200
7-9 pm Live Local Music
All local and visiting musicians are welcome to participate in this open mike event, or just sit back and enjoy the show at MacBouch Restaurant and Lounge. Info: 535-2205
5-7 pm After Work Party
With live music and special food and bar menus. Free admission. Bras d'Or Lakes Inn. Info: 535-2200
6:30 pm Round the Buoys Sailing Races
Hosted by the Wallace MacAskill Yacht Club. Visitors are welcome to watch, or join a racing crew to participate. Sign up in advance at the Lions Marina, or show up for the skipper's meeting by 6 pm. Races start at 6:30. Minors attending with parent or guardian are welcome to join a boat. Info: Gord Kerr, 535-3759
7-9 pm Live traditional songs and tunes
Featuring a rotating showcase of fine local musicians. Bras d'Or Lakes Inn. Info 535-2200
5-7 pm After Work Party
With live music and special food and bar menus. Free admission. Bras d'Or Lakes Inn. Info: 535-2200
5-7:30 pm Suppertime Music
With alternating pianist, singers and songwriters at MacDonald Country Inn. Info: 535-2997
7-9 pm Ceilidhs at the Inn
A traditional live music and dance showcase featuring top Cape Breton performers, in Sessions Lounge downstairs at the Bras d'Or Lakes Inn. Info 535-2200
9-11 pm Jam Session
Sit in with local players for an old time Kitchen Racket. Visiting players welcome. Sessions Lounge downstairs at the Bras d'Or Lakes Inn.
5-7 pm After Work Party
With live music and special food and bar menus. Free admission. Bras d'Or Lakes Inn. Info: 535-2200
5-7:30 pm Suppertime Music
With alternating pianist, singers and songwriters at MacDonald Country Inn. Info: 535-2997
7-10 pm Jam Session
Join local players for a down-home session. Visiting players welcome. Bonnie Brae Seniors Club. Info: 535-3759
5-7:30 pm Suppertime Music
With alternating pianist, singers and songwriters at MacDonald Country Inn. Info: 535-2997
5-7:30 pm Suppertime Music
With alternating pianist, singers and songwriters at MacDonald Country Inn. Info: 535-2997
7-9 pm Celtic Fiddle Tunes
St. Peter's fiddler Mackayla MacNeil performs traditional sets from the Cape Breton repetoire. Bras d'Or Lakes Inn. Info 535-2200
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