St. Peter's Summer Sessions 2014
Once again this summer we have organized regular weekly events -so we can say
"There's something for everyone, almost every day of the week this summer in St. Peter's.....'
During July and August please join us:
6-8 pm: Local Musicians at Bras d'Or Lakes Inn. Free.
7-9 pm: Square Dance Sessions. Live players and traiditional steps with Roddie's Square Dance Society. United Church Hall. $5/adults, family of 4 or more $15. Info: 535-2093
7-9 pm: 'Jam Session' at MacBouch Restaurant and Lounge. This is an open-mike event, local and visiting musicians are welcome to perform. $3/person, free for performers.
6 pm: Round the Buoys Sailing race hosted by MacAskill Yacht Club. Visitors welcome to watch, or arrive before 5:30pm to join a racing crew. Meet at Lion's Marina.
6-8 pm: Local Musicians at Bras d'Or Lakes Inn. Free. (see weekly entertainment line-up below)
7-9 pm: Ceilidh at the Inn. A traditional live music and dance showcase featuring different local performers each week. Bras d'Or Lakes Inn. $5/person, max $20/family, children under 9 free.
9-11 pm: Jam Session. Sit in on an authentic Cape Breton acoustic jam circle. Visiting players welcome. After the Ceilidh at Bras d'or Lakes Inn. Free.
6-8 pm: Local Musicians at Bras d'Or Lakes Inn. Free.
8-10 pm: Jam Session. Visiting musicians are invited to sit in with local players and singers. Lions Marina. Free. Self-catering (BYO).
9 am-noon: Richmond County's Hidden Gems Nature tour. Departs from Nicolas Denys Museum. $20/person, $30/family. Advance registration: RAP 631-3754
6-8 pm: Local Musicians at Bras d'Or Lakes Inn. Free.
Mondays thru Thursdays weekly
6:30-7:30 pm: History and Anecdotes: A tour of Battery Park. Departs from Lighthouse in Battery Park. $10/person, $20/family. Advance registration: RAP 631-3754
Mondays thru Wednesdays weekly
2-3 pm: Canal Tour aboard Cu Na Mara. Departs from ocean end of canal. Free, limited seating. Info: RAP 631-3754
Anytime all summer
Daysailing adventures on the Bras d'Or Lakes. Half and full day group or private charters from $100/person. Advance booking required to confirm. Cape Breton Sailing Charters 631-5050 / /
Thursday Nights: Ceilidh at the Bras d'or Lakes Inn
Every Thursday this summer join us for a taste of Cape Breton music and dance culture with this traditional showcase, featuring local talent. Shows run without break from 7 - 9 pm, followed by an acoustic jam session where all visiting players are invited to sit in with lcoals. Pub style atmosphere, cash bar. $5/person, max $20/family, children under 9 free.
July 10 Eastbound • McKayla MacNeil • Janelle Boudreau
July 17 Mike MacNamara • Meaghan Burke * Paul Davis * Charles MacDonald • Island Steppers
July 24 Leona Burkey Smith • Krista MacKinnon • Derek LeBlanc
July 31 Wendy Abbott & Rosie Sampson • Kayla Bona • Jaidon Seymour
August 7 Carol Martell • Allison Mombourquette • Bill Quimby • Island Steppers
August 14 Leah Campbell • Meaghan Burke • Jaidon Seymour • Charles MacDonald
August 21 Fork & Spoon • MacKayla MacNeil • Alexandra Samson
August 28 The Diasporado Band & Friends
The Thursday night Ceilidh has been running continuously for 10 summers. Thanks to Charles MacDonald for his ongoing role as Music Director for this now legendary cultural event.