Workshop Schedule
Music Camp Workshop Schedule
This chart shows the times and locations of all workshops - over 50 of 'em - and the full listing of events during Music Camp on the Canal 2017.
Music Camp Workshop Schedule 2017.GS1.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [62.2 KB]
This chart shows the times and locations of all workshops - over 50 of 'em - and the full listing of events during Music Camp on the Canal 2017.
Music Camp Workshop Schedule 2017.GS1.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [62.2 KB]
Unfortunately the technology on this web site - or perhaps the limited skills of your webmeister - make it difficult to present the schedule any better than the image you see directly below. We recommend using the link above to download a perfectly good PDF that you can view and magnify on your screen or print on a letter-size paper (horizontal format).
In case you missed this on a previous page - here is a download with complete descriptions of all workshops - 7 pages.
List of workshops with detailed descriptions
List of workshops categorized by 'instrument', noting skill level, equipment requirements, etc. Detailed descriptions by instructors. In some cases further resources and contact info.
Workshop Description List.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [304.7 KB]
List of workshops categorized by 'instrument', noting skill level, equipment requirements, etc. Detailed descriptions by instructors. In some cases further resources and contact info.
Workshop Description List.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [304.7 KB]